Stars and Stripes Historic Region

Jim Martin Introduction

I’m a lifelong Missourian, Vietnam veteran and retired educator.
Founding board member of our county military history museum,
Past president of the Stars & Stripes National Museum
Board member of the state Veterans’ Hall of Fame
And…. I’m here representing the 26 county Stars & Stripes Historic Region
Designated by unanimous vote of the Mo. Legislature & signed into law
By the Governor the week of the 4th of July.
What are we about?
Celebrating Commitment, Service & Informed Citizenship.
In our communities, with our students ….
And communicating it …. telling the stories of it …. And the culture, beauty and attractions of it and our people …. to visitors and potential visitors from around the nation…. and potentially the world.
We’ve already got billboards up on major highways coming into the region.
We’ve got a website up which will communicate about institutions, attractions and events in everyone of our 26 counties.
We’ve met with 23 county commissions to secure their partnerships for the effort.
We’ve already got more than 20 coordinators on the ground around the region to begin reaching out to bring on board local Chambers of Commerce, businesses, school districts, news media, spiritual institutions, etc.
In the coming months we’ll be securing thousands of digital exposures to communicate about our events and attractions, as well as social media geofencing to mark attractions & note events on social media.
And, what we’re really excited to talk about today….
We’re working with the Mo. Humanities Council, the Lt. Governor, businesses, banks and a terrific historical artifact exhibitor to begin offering what we hope will become annual, potentially weeklong Commitment, Service and Citizenship Campaigns in local communities around the region.
However, in order for this huge effort to be successful, we need your help!
Myself and other advocates for the cause are going to be coming around each of our communities to talk to you and get to know you and your community’s stories. Think about what you’d like to tell us about, and others you know who can help tell your stories…. And we’ll connect up with you and those folks.
It takes all of us.
God Bless you for your service:  to your family, your community and as citizens, to this beautiful region and country!


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